Monday, February 22, 2021

Birds of the same feathers flock together

 Have you ever moved to a new place where you know no one and then suddenly you hear a friendly voice calling your name only to find that it is your old friend who lives there too? Have you been admitted to a new school in a middle of a term only to find that you know no one there? Heavens know how uncomfortable it is and how most people (including me) find it hard to adapt to that situation. In a crowd of strangers, finding one familiar face is like stepping on a bag of dollars.

Some say that you have not lived until you fall in love or until you love somebody. But I say that you have not lived if you have not even once in your life done some selfless act to a person, be it for a stranger or someone you know. You have not lived if you have not lived for others even once. Have you ever paused and asked yourself why you are not alone on this planet? Or why you are not the only human on this planet? This universe of ours comprises of billions stars and this planet of ours is inhabited by 7 billion people. This means that for every 7 billion problems, there are more than 7 billion answers. The reason why there are a lot unanswered questions and unsolved problems is that most of us are too selfish to work for common interests. Some throw foods in garbage cans while others cannot get even a spoonful of food. Some burn their old clothes while others shiver in cold. Though we may be a bit different (in personalities, skin color, religion…), our differences should not be something to make us hate each other. It should be something to make us love each other and celebrate each other. We all bleed, we all respond the same to some natural calamities and above everything, no one is going to get out of here alive! That alone should make us love each other.

Let us love one another and pity our fellow humans who may be in bad living conditions. You do not have to own a gold mine to give something to the needy! You only need a kind and compassionate heart. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you and since we are all birds of same feathers, we should flock together, fly together and fight together. Peace.


  1. very nice lesson! Keep that golden heart Lise.

  2. very nice lesson! Keep that golden heart Lise.

  3. The lesson that is worth to be taught in our values. Awsome


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