Thursday, August 6, 2020

Say Yes to Love

This is for you dear reader. You may be older or younger than me but what I’m going to tell you is as old as time itself. 

As I was wandering, I wondered why there is too much hatred, hypocrisy and jealousy in the world. I was like why do people have something negative to say to a person who is doing his or her best to rise? Why do some people get stabbed in the back by the ones they trust? Why do people hate others for no reason? Why is it hard to live in harmony? Why do some people choose to take away their own lives(suicide)? All of these brought me to this conclusion: There is chaos in the world just because we don’t choose love over everything. I know it is hard to choose love! Imagine growing up with no family just because somewhere, someone wiped away your friends and relatives! Can you love that someone? Imagine losing taste in life just because you entrusted your heart to a son of Adam or a daughter of Eve who did nothing but shattering it into pieces! Can you dare trust anyone again? Try to walk in the shoes of someone who was robbed by those he or she was trying to help! If it was you, can you find it easy to help people again?

So many people have lost their beliefs in humanity, so many people have lost the taste of life. You will witness many individuals who are quiet and who don’t like to be friends with anyone just because of the fear of betrayal and deception, you will also witness people who have sworn not to love again just because their hearts were so badly broken into pieces, some have even sworn not to marry just because of the testimonies of people whose marriage went wrong…all of those people are so afraid of living! This have created a cycle of fear, hatred and mistrust which will be passed through generations unless you and I choose to break it by choosing love and forgiveness over revenge, ego and selfishness. No matter how much people messed your life up, love them anyway. Find even one single reason to love people and if you can’t find any I propose you to love them just because they are humans and to treat them accordingly! Do not let what bad people do to you prevent you from believing in humanity. I personally have trust issues; I have been through a lot but what I can say is that revenge is not good. Eye for an eye and the whole world will be blind!  There is also nothing good in holding on to anger and hatred, it is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

Love is the only power which will help us to break the cycle I have been talking about because real love is kind, patient, it forgives, it never boasts, it does not envy, it is not proud, it is not self-seeking, it does not dishonor others, and it is not easily angered. Love never fails, please say yes to love.


A random word of wisdom

 Being alert is extremely beautiful. Imagine noticing every single detail of what happens to you throughout the day! By being fully present,...